Richard A. Crosby
"Behind the Neo-Classicist façade beats the heart of a closet Romantic"
-Dan Gawthrop, former critic for the Washington Post, discussing Crosby's Viola Sonata

Composer. Teacher. Author. Leader.
Dr. Richard Crosby, born in Ashland, Ohio, and raised in Largo, Florida, earned his Bachelor of Music in Music Education (1979), Master of Music in Piano and Wind Conducting (1981), and Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano (1990) from the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music.
Joining Eastern Kentucky University in 1986, he is an EKU Foundation Professor and served as Faculty Senate Chair from 2021–2023.
A member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia since 1975 (Eta-Omicron chapter), Dr. Crosby served three terms as National President (1994–97, 2003–06, 2006–09). He has received the Orpheus Award, was named a Signature Sinfonian in 2015, and is one of three living recipients of the prestigious Ossian E. Mills Award.

Discover His Books
Transformative Reads on
Art and Leadership

"Thoughts on Life and Leadeship"
Drawing on nearly 50 years of leadership experience, “Thoughts on Life and Leadership” is not your typical leadership book. It deals not only with tried-and-true leadership themes featured in standard books in the field but focuses on the reality of the author’s leadership experience, including things that many leaders wish someone had warned them about before they took the leadership plunge.
Part biography, part philosophy, full of anecdotes and told in a down-to-earth style, “Thoughts on Life and Leadership” is at times humorous and at times serious. It shows the author’s own journey from a determined, insecure teen to a seasoned organizational leader comfortable in his own skin, dedicated to the betterment of the organizations and colleagues he leads. As he points out, leadership is not always fun, and it is even less fun for those who get into leadership for the wrong reasons. But leadership is critical, now more than ever, in our fractious world. This book is for those willing to take on the burden of leadership, in spite of the challenges, to make the world a better place.
"The All-In-One Laboratory Piano Course"
Drawing on more than 40 years of experience teaching group piano, The All-In-One Laboratory Piano Course is one of the most comprehensive books of its type on the market. Many texts are designed for adult beginning musicians or focus heavily on one or two skills such as harmonization and transposition.
Designed to be more affordable than many such books on the market, The All-In-One Laboratory Piano Course is a loose-leaf hole-punched workbook that fits into a standard 3 ring binder and includes space for note taking. Finally, a practical, reasonably priced group piano book that covers all of the necessary skills for college music majors and more!
Reviews & Press
"Whether an emerging leader or a seasoned sage, readers will find Dr. Crosby’s book groundbreaking in the understanding of leadership. In a few short pages, he casts a wide net into which readers can go deep into considering their approaches to leadership.
Dr. Crosby adds a new dimension to the leadership lexicon—reflection, upon which one can gain clarity of leadership theory and grasp control of leadership practices.
Even the title of Dr. Crosby’s book gives insight into its content— Thoughts on Life and Leadership. It demonstrates how one’s life is intertwined with one’s leadership. It gives one a reference point from which the relevancy of one’s leadership choices is clear.
Perhaps one of the most important lessons from Dr. Crosby in this book is found in the charge given at the beginning of Chapter IV, which explains several leadership (and life) lessons. The charge: 'Mastery of these is key not to just good leadership but living a good life.'
Among the lessons are Patience, Persistence, and a very different take than what you might be expecting on 'When Life Give You Lemons.' Dr. Crosby writes, 'When life gives ME lemons, it just makes me mad.' He then explains masterfully what to do next.
The following chapter deals with picking the right organization to lead, finding the leadership style that works for you, embracing conflict, et al. The section on 'Anticipointment' is extremely important in knowing how to react when people you’re leading (or trying to) aren’t responding.
Dr. Crosby’s book is great for individual study, group discussion, and I am even considering using it as a primary resource to develop a leadership course. Thank you, Dr. Crosby for this book of 'Rich Leadership!'"
"I've read countless books on leadership. I've attended numerous seminars. Covey, Ziglar, Welch, Robbins... all of them. And in truth, they are all fantastic. However I often found myself challenging a premise because I didn't feel like I could connect to the uber-successful, multi-millionaire type --- regardless of how accurate the advice was. --- Maybe it's because I'm now reading this book in my 50's rather than reading the above in my 20's... and I now recognize personal success isn't in direct correlation to fame, fortune, and legacy... but this book speaks to me in ways that the others missed.
The author writes this as if he is sitting across the table from you, offering his experiences and his learnings through a life that many can identify with. Yes, he is incredibly successful in his field, both personally and professionally - but he remains grounded in basic principles that we each can identify with.
This book wasn't a CEO having his thoughts and memoirs sorted, drafted, and flourished into perfect prose. No. This book was a virtual sit down with a common man who has achieved uncommon results through principled discipline. The man of the community who everyone knows. The man everyone admires, not for his achievement, but for who he is.
No. This isn't an advanced course on leadership. But maybe... just maybe... this is the basic lesson that we all need to refocus, be comfortable in our own skin, and apply ourselves to the ultimate goal.
Enable others to be better versions of themselves through our own service."
"Thoughts on Life and Leadership is a must read for future and veteran leaders, no matter how long you have been leading! Each one of Dr. Crosby’s points on leadership is presented in such a concise way that you will be laughing, reflecting, thinking, and (most importantly) turning pages. So much of what Dr. Crosby speaks about centers around an important fact: leadership, although at times hard, can be the most rewarding aspect of your life and will allow you to impact and influence the lives of others."
"Dr. Richard Crosby offers an intimate reflection of his life in the book, 'Thoughts on Life and Leadership.’ Written in a conversational tone, Crosby shares glimpses of his life from a child to a seasoned university music educator, composer, and current faculty senate chair, and how he responded to life’s ups and downs. As one who has spent my career in public relations, I most appreciated his encouragement for us to become better listeners – a critical aspect of leadership in any organization – and the value of honesty. In addition to these values, Crosby offers many other insights readers will enjoy and value in this, his inaugural work.”
"Dr. Crosby’s 'Thoughts on Life and Leadership' is an encouraging and inspiring account of his leadership journey. His heartwarming accounts bring a very humanistic perspective of how to grow as individuals and leaders while shepherding those around us to empower them for their own success. Dr. Crosby’s candid views and lessons of leadership are relevant across all groups and organizations in an ever-changing world. You can sense his devotion to others as a true servant leader, and I can attest to it from witnessing his ability to lead."
"Dr. Crosby's leadership style of consensus building is a breath of fresh air in a world that continues to grow further apart. Throughout my career, whether it be as a young leader within the fraternity, a political operative, an investigator, or as a practicing attorney, the lessons imparted by Dr. Crosby continue to not only guide my decision making processes, but also help me become successful in the process. He gave me the foundational building blocks of leadership needed to focus a young and eccentric mind while allowing me the freedom to develop my own style through his teachings, thereby, "making it my own." There is no doubt in my mind that without his intervention, mentorship, and compassion, I would not be the person or attorney I am today. Any aspiring leader should pick this up, read it, and revisit it annually. I know I will."